Franklin Hospice would like to earn cash while you shop! Rewardhub lets you earn free donations for Franklin Hospice, just by doing every day online shopping from their Rewardhub page, and it won’t cost you an extra cent.
Franklin Hospice would like to earn cash while you shop! Rewardhub lets you earn free donations for Franklin Hospice, just by doing every day online shopping from their Rewardhub page, and it won’t cost you an extra cent.
Sign up to join Friends of Franklin Hospice and be the first to know about events with discounts and loads of extra benefits.
Heroes for Hospice dress up week 16-22 May 2022 Hospice Awareness week is from 16th – 22nd May.
Franklin Hospice Garden Ramble 2022 The Franklin Hospice Garden Ramble is happening on 12 & 13 November. This year, there are 19 fabulous gardens on show in the Ramarama, Ararimu and Hunua areas. We will be selling tickets in September, so watch this space, and we will let you know when they are available. Mark
February 2022 Hospice Matters Newsletter The latest newsletter for Franklin Hospice is available. Click on the button below to read all about what we have been up to and what we will be getting up to in the next few months. Click Here
Riverhaven Artland Summer Sculpture Weekend Update We are pleased to tell you that the Riverhaven Artland Summer Sculpture Weekend fundraising for Franklin Hospice still plans to go ahead under the RED light traffic system. Thank you for your support. Online tickets have SOLD OUT! Unfortunately due to the restrictions we cannot offer gate sales. Also
Bombay Truck Show 12 February 2022 THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED FOR NOW – WE WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN IT IS HAPPENING . Come and see a massive variety of massive trucks all in one place! This huge event takes place every two years and truck enthusiasts have an opportunity to come and see
Franklin Hospice Supermarket Trees of Remembrance We have Trees of Remembrance in Pak’nSave and Countdown North in Pukekohe for our supporters to remember their loved ones who are no longer here as they support Franklin Hospice.. Due to this year’s Covid restrictions, the trees are all on their own, with a QR code which links
Riverhaven Artland Summer Sculpture Weekend 29-31 January 2022 For three days over Auckland Anniversary weekend, visitors can wander Riverhaven Artland’s sprawling sculpture park, while helping raise funds for Franklin Hospice. This is the third year in a row that the Blundell family have offered up their sculpture park to help support Franklin Hospice. We are
The great Hospice yarn bombing challenge 2021! Our incredible community has helped us accomplish this amazing project. We had so much knitting and crochet handed into us, that we had to bomb our letterbox as well! We spent a fun morning decorating the tree and wheelbarrow and we are pretty pleased with the results! Take
The great Hospice yarn bombing challenge 2021 update! Read More »