
Events and News

The Great Garage Sale

Our next Garage Sale will be in April 2023. Come support Franklin Hospice and shop for fantastic bargains: Plants, clothes, household items, furniture, baking and loads more.

Birdseed Crackers!

A favorite recipe that the team at Franklin Hospice loves and highly recommends. A great, easy cracker recipe, great for meetings!

Introducing Fred Graham – NZ Artist

Fred Graham (Ngāti Koroki Kahukura) is one of the pioneers of Sculpture in New Zealand. Read how he is supporting Franklin Hospice

Hearts for Franklin Hospice

We are decorating our tree outside 29 Hall Street with knitted hearts which can be bought in honour of a loved one who’s passed.

Riverhaven Artland Summer Sculpture Weekend

Visitors can wander Riverhaven Artland’s sprawling sculpture park 28-30 Jan 2023, while helping raise funds for Franklin Hospice.

The Great Christmas Raffle

The Great Franklin Hospice Christmas Raffle has now closed. Congratulations to our lucky winners.

Garden Ramble 2022 update

The 2022 Garden Ramble features 17 local Franklin gardens to view and enjoy on 12 & 13 November. Tickets are still available

The Franklin Hospice AGM and ACM

The Franklin Hospice Development Trust and the Charitable Trust will hold their AGM and ACM on 17 November 2022.

World Singing Day

Proudly supporting Franklin Hospice. We donate to Hospice with every voucher purchase.

Hearts for Franklin Hospice

We would like to decorate our tree outside 29 Hall Street with a string of heart which can be bought in honour of a loved one who’s passed.


The 2022 Mustang Drive Raffle. 10 days in a V8 Mustang thanks to South Auckland Motors. Get in touch for tickets. Available 16-08-2022

Garden Ramble 2022

The 2022 Garden Ramble features 17 local Franklin gardens to view and enjoy on 12 & 13 November. Tickets available now.


“Just a huge thank you to Franklin Hospice. We are so lucky to have such an amazing service.”

“I always felt comfortable and at ease. Everyone's caring and understanding nature is making my journey so much easier.”

“Hospice excelled at communication. Their support and lovingness into the matter was a top-level. We couldn't have asked for more.”

“From the first meeting with [the nurse] we were impressed and since then every follow-up call and promise has been completed.”